Most of today’s social problems have the same roots—a lack of understanding of what it means to be a whole human being. What if violence, illness, addictions, suicides, toxic stress, depression, anxiety, and relationship dysfunctions could be traced to the same source? The implications for education, childrearing and our comprehension of mental and physical health would be staggering.
What does it mean to be a “whole human being?” What is “wholeness?” There are four different dimensions we consider. All are separate and all are deeply interrelated. Each influences and is influenced by every other. They are:

Enriching our experience of living in our bodies.

Expanding Our Sense of Self — Discovering Core Limiting Beliefs — Cultivating Positive Feelings

Recognizing Felt-Love-Moments — Deepening Our Capacity For Intimacy — Appreciating How Our Brain is Nourished in Relationship

Growing Our Heart’s Intelligence
Insufficient understanding or lack of support in any of these four dimensions constitutes a wound to the integrity of our organism. As we grow our appreciation and understanding of our dimensionality, recognize where we have been unsupported, suppressed or otherwise wounded, we have a map necessary to effectively continue our journey towards wholeness. There is no end to the opportunities and possibilities to grow into a fuller human being. We can heal into wholeness and well beyond “normal.”

Don St John’s Book
Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture points the way toward harmony, self-love, and a capacity for deep, emotional intimacy. It provides an understanding of what’s needed to flourish and thrive, especially in relationship to ourselves and our loved ones. It’s what we as individuals and as a culture need to understand to move beyond survival and scarcity and embrace abundance and harmony.
Meet Don & Diane
We have each spent over 45 years engaging the process of becoming whole, both personally and professionally, as well as in our relationship. We will share with you the essence of our understanding and discoveries. We hope to orient, guide, and provide resources for all on the path.

Dr. Don St John, Ph.D.
My interest over the past few years has been helping people realize how many more resources they have available within themselves, to learn to connect to those resources and strengths, plus learn to connect well with those they love. If you’re looking for something more than just talking about your problems, and you know intuitively that your body is somehow related to what you would like to address, you may be an excellent candidate for what I do.

Diane St John
Are you looking for a body-focused and relational approach to allow the healing of past difficulties? Do you want to develop more relationship skills and capacities? Do you know you are capable of feeling more loving and feel more loved? Do you yearn to feel more spiritually connected? If your answer is yes, this work may be what you have been wanting.