This past July, I had the opportunity to speak with Dan Reeves on his podcast, Spiritual Underground, discussing the importance of becoming whole and recognizing trauma. We had a fantastic talk not just about how trauma begins to shape us from when we’re first brought into this world, but how as we work through the difficulties we’ve encountered, we prime ourselves for a better, more full life, so long as we’re open to the growth that inherently comes with doing the Work.
Recognizing difficult situations, even if we don’t think they’re difficult at the time but have a chance to reflect back on them, helps us not only to better understand a way to work through the potential trauma that came of that event, but also allows us to empathize with ourselves and really appreciate the difficulties that the body has been put through.
Trauma looks different for everyone; for some it’s a clear event they can point to in their past, for others it’s a continued evolution, a need that doesn’t get met over time when they’re young and vulnerable. But learning to recognize the trauma, to understand the impact it had, whether that’s long- or short-term, is invaluable.
Give the podcast a listen today at the link below, and see how recognizing the traumas that have happened to you can help you to gain a greater understanding of yourself.
Listen to Podcast Here
Thank you, Dan, for having me as a guest on your fantastic podcast, and if you like the episode consider giving him a five-star rating for the hard work he puts into his show.